This is why I do what I do!
Berber van Beek is my name and my pictures are about people, about life. They are recording the beauty of special moments like a ceremony, weddings, funerals, street photography, portraits, a birthday, but actually every-day happenings – seemingly insignificant – also fascinate me. A story is hidden behind every situation and it is my goal to catch that story with a beautiful attractive image.
Because I work from out of the emotion with a personal approach I become part of the story with a certain distance and a professional approach. With this way of working I can catch the atmosphere of that moment and I can bring over the feeling of that image.What is so special about my work is that I am often part of their most intimate moments. I consider this a privilege and an enrichment of my own life. Photography takes me to places which I would never visit without it.
Photography is my passion. When I was fourteen I started to develop my pictures in a “dark room”, always looking for that one outstanding image. In the meantime I have become a professional photographer but I am still learning every day. As a curious creative person I am always looking for new challenges hoping to get the best of me, others and society.
Even as a child I felt already I had a responsibility to show the world the truth through socially driven projects focusing on durability. Another passion is Permaculture. I feel strongly connected to nature and the environment, probably because I was born only six yards from the Caribbean Sea. I think we should be more careful regarding nature with a view to the future.
It is my mission to create with my two passions (photography and permaculture) more awareness for a more sustainable world. The experience I have gained as a press photographer of the power of images combined with the knowledge of permaculture, led me to photo projects to create a movement of awareness. Because “seeing is believing” and I do this with respect for my fellow man according to the philosophy I embrace: treat everyone like you would like to bereated.
The photographers who inspire me are those who have the talent to touch the core, dare to go one step further and know how to catch an invisible emotion at first sight with their camera. I also admire photographers who have the courage and empathy to make people think, and possess the gift to get them on the roll, working for a higher purpose to create awareness for a socially sensitive topics. Examples are the brilliant, sometimes moving portraits of Sebastiao Salgado, Jimmy Nelson Steve Mac curry and Erwin Olaf, the brilliant work of award-winner Peter Menzel and the always attractive pictures by Marieke van den Velden,
Thanks for viewing the world through my eyes — I hope you enjoy my site and the work that I’m doing. Got something for me? Get in touch